
Friday Jul 01, 2022
ToastCaster 162: 5 Lessons From My 1st professional Speech – Kate McClare
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
[25:23] What can you learn from your first professional speech (outside Toastmasters)?
In this episode Greg speaks with copywriter Kate McClare who pulls back the curtain and shares five powerful lessons and more from her recent live presentation to a group of CPAs. These lessons are basic fundamentals but important reminders that every speaker should remember if they want to make an impact on their audience and of course the organization who engaged them.
You can also hear Kate in her interview with Greg Gazin & Ryan Levesque on the Toastmasters Podcast, episode #201, Powerful Collaboration between Toastmasters International and Rotary International.
Kate McClare runs a company called Kate’s Copy, a writing and editing service. Specializing in Digital, Video and Print content for Marketing and PR professionals, Web Designers and Entrepreneurs.
Kate is passionate about Language and prides herself with her ability to harness the power of the written word for better storytelling. She’s is also a Distinguished Toastmaster and a frequent contributor to the Toastmaster Magazine.
Kate McClare lives in Hollywood, Florida and can be reached on LinkedIn or at KatesCopy.net.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Toastcaster 161: Recognizing and Harnessing Life Changing Moments
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
[31:19] Has the pandemic created for you or someone you know an unnerving unexpected and totally unprepared for, life changing moment? In reality, life-changing moments happen all the time. Many however, are not crises but unrealized opportunities. In fact, some of the best ones are often disguised, pass us by and are only noticed in hindsight.
In his opening keynote session, you’ll hear from Past District 42 Governor (Director) Greg Gazin, DTM. You’ll hear ways you can recognize life-changing moments and learn tips to harness them to help you catch your second wind and keep you sailing in the right direction.
In this light-hearted session, Greg will share some of his epiphanies, adventures and misadventures of transformation both outside and inside Toastmasters as he meandered some of those moments. You’ll also hear how Toastmasters played a role but also mistakes he made and the differences it would have made if Pathways - Toastmasters Educational Program would have come along earlier.
Recorded via Zoom as part of Toastmasters District 42 2022 Spring Conference.
VIEW AS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ohXygqYKtqA
(Note: In one moment inadvertently said "Toastmaster" when I should have said "ToastCaster." "In 2006, I created the ToastCaster Podcast." The Toastmasters Podcast was originally created by Ryan Levesque & Bo Bennett. I became host and producer of the Toastmasters Podcast in 2014.)

Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Toastcaster 160: The Toast: Short Speech with a Big Impact – Eddie Rice
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
[29:23] Writing and delivering a good Toast might seem to be something you can just stand up and deliver off the cuff but many YouTube #fails say otherwise. A great toast that makes an impact needs to be well thought out, well written and delivered properly.
In today’s episode we speak with professional speechwriter and newly published author Eddie Rice. Eddie shares with us some valuable tips and advice on preparing, delivering and mastering this ceremonial speech. He highlights his 7-step process and offers up some do’s and don’t when it’s time to raise a glass.
You’ll also learn about what the true purpose of a toast is and some of the different occasions a toast can be written for.
A lot of what Eddie shares is from his just released new book,
TOAST: Short Speeches, Big Impact, available on Amazon.
We also learn a little about Eddie, how he transformed his career 180 degrees from being a Science Teacher to a Speechwriter and how Toastmasters helped him and continues to help him through that process. He also pulls back the curtain and shares some of the things he went through when writing his book including how he decided to first get feedback on his extensive outline which he in turn used to write his book.
Eddie Rice is a professional speechwriter with over a decade of experience in helping business leaders, keynote speakers, TED talk presenters, Nonprofit organization and everyday people, enhance the messages they tell through great storytelling and structure.
Eddie is from Cleveland Ohio and can be reached at http://ricespeechwriting.com

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
[37:21] Wonder how did a shy, socially awkward introvert turn into a successful serial entrepreneur and master relationship builder? Just ask Monica Parkin, who on today’s show will give us an insight into the answer to that question and more by telling us about her recent book, part memoir, part instruction guide, Overcoming Awkward: The Introvert's Guide to Networking, Marketing, and Sales.
You don’t have to be an introvert to benefit from Monica’s wisdom. In this fun and lighthearted episode, you’ll hear honest stories (many from the book) of her often sometimes challenging but fruitful transformation and overcoming her obstacles. You’ll hear about a number of lessons she’s learned and how these can be applied in many areas of one’s personal, professional, business life and even through social media.
You’ll hear how things blossomed for “Mortgage Monica” as she revealed her authentic self and how her moniker as a “crazy goat lady” who lives on a small farm with an assortment of furry creatures actually contributes to her business success and more.
Some of the other topic areas she touches upon include: Difficult conversations, asking questions, setting boundaries, mentorship, Toastmasters and her podcast Juggling Without Balls.
Monica Parkin is from Courtney, British Columbia, Canada. She’s a licensed mortgage broker and successful serial entrepreneur an award-winning international speaker, author, podcaster and Toastmaster.
You can find her book: Overcoming Awkward: The Introvert's Guide to Networking, Marketing, and Sales on Amazon.
Monica can be reached at MonicaParkin.ca.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Toastmaster 158: Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
[18:33] Milestones are achieved and celebrated every day and recognized in a variety of different ways. Celebrations are also often backward looking going back to where one once was to where they are now. But what if you commemorated by celebrating forward? Using the milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity.
In this episode we look at the milestone of 200th episode of the Toastmasters Podcast and how instead of looking back at the first 200 episodes as many do, the hosts Greg Gazin and Ryan Levesque decided to create a contest - a Pitch Us Your Podcast Idea! contest.
The idea would be to create more buzz around podcasting and encourage members to give it a try. Members could submit their most creative idea - a pitch and an audio sample and they did not have to have an existing podcast. The winner would be announced and be a guest on Episode #200 where they could introduce themselves to the world and pitch their idea to Greg and Ryan.
When the dust settled, the winner was Rashmi Ketha from Ledgewood NJ, USA with “The Experience Passport.” Personal development through hobby sampling.
You can catch the 200th episode - shown above at ToastmastersPodcast.com, and Apple & Google Podcasts.
Also, if you want to find out a little more about the Toastmasters Podcast and its hosts, please check out: Tune In to The Toastmasters Podcast, in the March 2022 on-line issue of the Toastmaster Magazine.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
[25:28] Resolutions for many just don't seem to work but our guest today, Dave Fuller uses "Naming Your Year" as a method to accomplish what resolutions are meant to do.
In this episode Dave shares how he stumbled upon this method; what it does and how it works. You'll hear how puts it into practice at home, at the office for both himself, his team and his clients and learn how you can implement it for yourself. You'll also hear about how Naming can also help achieve goals and how Dave uses this to help focus on a 12-week planning method.
David (Dave) Fuller MBA, is an award-winning business coach and a partner in Pivotleader Inc. and the Author of Profit Yourself Healthy.
You can also read Dave's article at Troy Media, New Year's Resolutions are out, naming the year is in, at Troy Media.
Email him at Dave AT Pivotleader.com. Dave would love to hear what you named your year.

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
[26:00] As we reflect back on this year, caregiving can mean many things to many people. Some people are caregivers in the traditional sense, others give care in many forms to others. In this episode we bring back author and former co-caregiver Rick Lauber. The idea of his return was prompted by a recent insightful tweet he made.
“As a #caregiver, please don't ever question the difference you make in someone's life. Thank you so much to all caregivers for everything they do.”
This episode is for those who give care, receive care or know someone who is either.
In this episode Rick enlightens us with what prompted him to share that wisdom. He reflects upon his own personal experiences sharing some of his thoughts and feelings, even those of guilt, which are also likely felt by many others - particularly during the holiday season and this past year.
Listeners are also in for a learning experience as Rick also reflects back with respect to what he’s learned, how he’s coped, some of the actions and steps he’s taken and continues to take and some of what he’s still dealing with even after many years.
He also shares with us how you can go about resetting your life when you are no longer a caregiver, and more.
Rick Lauber is from Edmonton, Alberta Canada. You can reach him at RickLauber.com or on Twitter @CDNCaregiver. You can also find his two best-selling guide books – Caregiver’s Guide for Canadians (2nd edition) and The Successful Caregiver’s Guide (U.S) on Amazon and the usual outlets.
You can also listen to past episodes with Rick Lauber. Toastcaster 69 How Toastmasters helps Authors and Toastcaster 127: Caregiving - The Ultimate Leadership Role.
Happy New Year 2022!

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Toastcaster 155: Repetition Can Be A Good Thing - Greg Gazin
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
[06:05] Hearing things being repeated can often drive you absolutely crazy. In this brief episode you'll learn that if used effectively, repetition in presentations, conversations and even recordings can truly be an effective tool in getting your message across.
If you think about speeches like MLK Jr.'s, I Have a Dream, there's a perfect example.
This podcast is also available as an article. The original article can be found at GadgetGreg.com.

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
[37:43] With Livestreaming, you are both a producer and performer. These are words from our guest today, Markus Seppälä, who adds that it’s also public and live and lonely and dependent on tech which can certainly make it a challenge. It’s with his comedic side that he jokingly takes on a sarcastic view of Livestreaming.
For Markus however, it’s rewarding. He loves every minute of it and is with us to share his expertise and some of the things he’s learned along the way.
He enlightens us on how using live-streaming tools, learning from those tools and leveraging the communication skills and other disciplines you’ve already mastered you can super-charge those skills to a whole new level just as our guest today has done - and he shares with us some of the specifics he has accomplished.
You’ll hear how livestreaming is a mode of communication and how it differs from platforms like Zoom and Netflix.
Plus, you’ll discover how you can “level-up your tech” with free tools like OBS and Melon that also integrate with Zoom that add a dynamic level of uniqueness and professionalism to your presentations.
Markus also offers tips on planning a livestream, where to place your most important content and why, answering questions, and ways to engage the audience and keep them listening (not necessarily in ways you might think) and what to do when you get no audience reaction and how not to be dependent on it.
Your livestream will live on-line forever. Markus touches upon on how you can best plan to balance your live feed to maximize the delivery of your content yet maintain its long-term replay value.
Any the end of the interview I’m sure you’ll all want to get started in Livestreaming.
You can also listen to our interview with Markus on the Toastmasters Podcast Episode #180: Comedian Masters Hybrid Meetings.
Also check out Markus’ YouTube videos: How live streaming will improve your communication skills (5 tips) and How to share PowerPoint slides on Zoom with OBS Virtual Camera
Markus Seppälä is a two-time TEDx speaker, event host and stand-up comedian who brings fun to the corporate stage. You can catch Markus on YouTube where you will find a plethora of videos - with tutorials one an array of different videos showcasing his talents with teachings on topics like - Zoom, Streaming, Hybrid Meetings, Video conferencing and ways you can be a better speaker.
Markus is based in Basel, Switzerland where he runs Comedy Basel, the biggest comedy club in town. You can find him at MarkusPresents.com.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Toastcaster 153: Making Freaking Meetings Fun & Productive - Matt Abrahams
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
[29:55] Many people avoid meetings at all costs - they feel they’re unproductive, a waste of time and simply a bandaid for bad communication in an organization. In this episode Greg speaks with return guest Matt Abrahams, educator and coach whose extensive exploration, research and experience has led him to discover a collaborative approach to keep meetings fun and exciting. More importantly they be can productive in achieving the goals of the organization and add value to the teams. And you might even be thanked for running a meeting.
You’ll learn about the importance of planning, executing and setting expectations up front - and even determining whether there is an alternative to holding a meeting.
You’ll hear how to invoke emotion by leveraging meeting invites and making agendas valuable and how the information, emotion and actions are the three important key elements of any communication. This includes the importance of paraphrasing and how that leads to better communication and boost engagement during the meeting.
He also stresses the value of focusing on the experience and the creative order of things and not just the content and also using physical engagement and leveraging the use of technology tools and more.
Matt also touches on how to ensure the new way of running meetings endures and tips for running virtual meetings.
And finally, Matt talks about his new podcast, Think Fast Talk Smart from Stanford GSB.
Matt Abrahams teaches Strategic Communication for Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and Presentation Skills for Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program and co-founder of coaching consulting practice Bold Echo Communication Solutions. If that’s not enough, Matt is also the author of the book Speaking Up without Freaking Out, now in its 3rd edition.
You can also hear Matt on episode #93 Speaking up without freaking out and also on the Toastmasters Podcast, Episode 111, with Greg Gazin and Ryan Levesque where he spoke on how to be confident.

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Toastcaster 152: Unexpected Leaders that Leave a Lasting Impression - Guinness
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
[15:26] In this episode Greg speaks about two incredible individuals whom we can call unexpected leaders. These are people who positively impact others not really with any intention but simply by doing what they do. In fact they may not even be aware of the impact that they are having on others and the long lasting impression they leave.
You’ll hear about, Reverend Kevin Fast (left) from Cobourg, Ontario, Canada is best described as a modern day Popeye and Brittany Walsh, a.k.a AcroBritt (RIGHT) from Portland, Oregon, U.S.A a dancer, a gymnast, former circus performer and acrobatic archer who both happen to be individuals featured in the 2020 Guinness Book of World Records.
Greg shares a little about each of their stories and 3 leadership lessons he’s taken away by speaking with them
Related Materials
If you'd like to read the related article Leadership tips from the Book of Guinness World Records you can find it at Troymedia.com.
To hear the full interview podcast with these two inspiring Guinness world record holder's along with a bonus interview with an official judge or adjudicator and hear them tell their stories, check out: Toastcaster 122: Setting a Guinness World Record – It Takes True Leadership.
A short link for that is bit.ly/toastcaster122.
Also please visit GuinnessWorldRecords.com

Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Toastcaster 151: Starting Effective Conversations that Yield Results – Chris Fenning
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
[31:31] Conversations are fundamental to everyday life – at work or at home, yet little emphasis is ever put on improving it as a skill, particularly in getting one started and keeping them a succinct as possible.
In this episode, Greg speaks with Chris Fenning - subject matter expert and author of the new book, The 1st Minute: How to Start Conversations that gets Results. Chris will share his expertise and insight with lessons taken for the book that you can apply in many communications situations, like job interviews, conversations with the boss, presentations and even written communications.
You’ll discover some of the most common mistakes made in that first minute and some of the misconceptions that surround it. You also learn about when that first minute really starts.
You’ll takeaway two methods you can out to use right away:
1) Framing, a simple 3-part process that in 15 seconds helps you provides context, clarifies your intentions, and makes your message clear: and
2) Structured Summary: How everything we do can be described in the form of a GPS – no, not your car’s GPS but rather Goal, Problem & Solution.
You’ll also learn why you should never ask someone, “Do you have a minute,” and more…
Chris Fenning, in addition to author is also a husband, father and communications instructor. He lives in Amsterdam in The Netherlands and can be reached at ChrisFenning.com.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Toastcaster 150: Hardest Speech You‘ll Ever Have to Give - Greg Gazin
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
[32:53] Imagine the hardest speech you'll ever have to give.
In this episode you'll hear about that speech, the process that went into creating it and the speech itself and how on that day, I felt a rollercoaster of emotions the likes of which I’d never experienced in my life.
That day I was surrounded by loving friends and family as I said a final farewell to Elaine Baram, my best friend, my love, my wife, the sunshine of my life who I will miss forever . It will also explain why there were no episodes over the past months.

Saturday May 15, 2021
Toastcaster 149: How to Host a Live or Virtual TEDx Event Part 2 – Noel Bentley
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
[27:39] This episode, Part 2 is the final part of our conversation with Noel Bentley on how to host a TEDx event where he continues to share his expertise on being the best host you can be.
Noel also talks about getting help by borrowing - not copying but rather be inspired by others and other TED or TEDx events but at the same time being you own person and letting your own personality shine through.
Noel also shares additional best practices along with a few do’s and don’ts and how you can prepare yourself even for impromptu situations and the unexpected.
You’ll also learn about some of the differences between live and virtual presentations and what you can do to make the latter seem more natural. He also shares some of the special considerations they had to make given the current global climate and environment which they knew could change without notice. He used real examples from TEDx BearCreekPark 2021 that took place just one month ago.
Noel Bentley is a speaker, humorist, storytelling coach, emcee and Toastmaster. He started project called Power of 3 Speaking, a new way of doing keynote speaking. He can be reached at https://powerof3speaking.com or coming soon at NoelBentley.ca
You can also watch the latest TEDx BearCreekPark 2021 at https://tedxbearcreekpark.ca
If you missed part 1, you can find it (Toastcaster 148) at: http://bit.ly/toastcaster148

Saturday May 01, 2021
Toastcaster 148: How to Host a Live or Virtual TEDx Event Part I – Noel Bentley
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
[27:28] There’s a plethora of resources spotlighting do a TED Talk or speaking on the TEDx stage, but few realize that a great host or emcee can make or break that event. In this episode Greg speaks with Noel Bentley, a three-time TEDx host who’s hosted both live and virtual events at TEDx Bear Creek Park in Surrey BC, Canada.
In Part 1 of this 2 part series, Noel inspires us with his own story, what it means to be a TEDx host, what the role entails and the excitement and opportunities it presents for speakers and individuals. You’ll as be introduced to TEDx BearCreekPark and a glimpse as to what goes on behind the scenes of a TEDx.
Noel enlightens us with his experience in his role as a TEDx host - how he got there, what he learned, how he (over) prepares mentally and physically and about the help he got along the way. You’ll also learn about other key players like the curator, speaker coach, program coordinator and of course the speakers and how the host interacts with them. You’ll also find out what speakers have to go through to be on that stage.
Noel will also share some of his best practices and things to avoid, touching on the topics of introduction, bridging between speakers, scripting and humour.
Noel Bentley is a speaker, humorist, storytelling coach, emcee and Toastmaster. He started project called Power of 3 Speaking, a new way of doing keynote speaking. He lives in Surrey, BC, Canada and can be reached at https://powerof3speaking.com or coming soon at NoelBentley.ca.
You can also watch the latest TEDx BearCreekPark 2021 at https://tedxbearcreekpark.ca
Watch for Part 2 (Toastcaster 149) coming up.

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Toastcaster 147: Nurturing Young Minds Through Podcasting – Kevin Achtzener
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
[22:13] Kevin Achtzener, DTM is in the process of doing his practicum at a Spanish bilingual school to earn an after degree in Education. He had the idea to teach his students new material as part of a Spanish Language Arts curriculum by getting them to create their own podcasts.
In this episode, Kevin, a regular on ToastCaster, shared his experience as to why he chose podcasting as a teaching medium, what he was trying to accomplish, how the class took to it and how the podcasts turned out. He talks a little about the methods he used, the subjects he selected as well as what both he and his students learned from the process.
He also tells how he got our Podcast Host Greg Gazin involved by interviewing him as both a sample podcast and as a way to share his knowledge with the students through a podcast which was to be played in the classroom.
Kevin Achtzener is from Edmonton, Canada and can be reached at VisualProductivity.net.

Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
[29:38] Everyone is trying to be better informed and protect themselves and others and reduce exposure to the Covid-19 virus. They’re social distancing, wearing masks and washing their hands, but how many of us think about our smartphone as a major source of a threat to our health? Or how many of us are missing key pieces of information that can help us and our loved ones stay safe?
In this episode Greg speaks with June Lai, founder and CEO of Catalyst, a high tech accessories maker but first and foremost a scientist. June offers an authoritative insight on PPE and on helping us all stay safe.
By the end of this podcast, you’ll better understand the difference between bacteria and a virus, what terms like anti-microbial really means. You’ll also learn how to properly disinfect your phone, what to use, what not to use and what to watch out for and suggestions on proper Covid phone safety etiquette.
You’ll also discover how waterproof cases, like those from Catalyst can not only protect your valuable smartphone investment, but one that is also washable can effectively reduce the risk of infection when properly implemented into your daily protection routine.
The techies will also love to hear what makes for a great waterproof case, and methods and technology Catalyst used in perfecting their patented waterproof seal.
You’ll also learn a little more about June, a glimpse into her journey, how the company came to be and how its skillset and innovation has now lead them to develop much needed quality PPE including novel items like a mask wallet.
June Lai, originally from Vancouver, Canada, now based in Hong Kong is the founder and CEO of Catalyst - a global consumer high tech high performance electronics accessories brand. She’s also a scientist who oversees R&D at the company who is in the business of inventing unique patented products that combine world-class design with performance. You can find out more about about Catalyst at CatalystCase.com.
If you’re interested in learning more about viruses, June suggests checking out TWiV - This Week in Virology - a podcast about viruses.
![Toastcaster 145: Podcasting 101: Hosting & Interview Techniques - 2018 Live Educational [Toastmasters ]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2613/NewGregPodcastPic3000_500K_300x300.jpg)
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
[43:52] When I first started podcasting 15 years ago, the most frequently asked question was, ‘What’s a Podcast?” Five years ago, It was, “Why are you doing podcasts? It’s going the way of the radio, video is where it’s at. Today I’m often asked, “What are the benefits of podcasting?” And “How can I get involved? How do I get started?”
In April 2020 Apple Podcasts had over 1M podcast and over 35 million episodes. With the lockdown I’ve heard estimates ion 1.5 million and many many more episode. So Podcasting is not going away any time soon.
People do want to know more. In fact I’m questioned about podcasts and podcasting everyday.
As luck would have it, I recently came across a 2018, recording of a Podcast educational session I delivered - in a last minute request, to a group of Toastmasters which covers many of those questions and more. And while podcasting certainly continues to evolve, the information presented is still relevant today
This episode is not only for Toastmasters but for any communicator or leader who may be curious or interested in this topic.
- We’ll look at what a podcast is, what it can do for you; the benefits of podcasts from a listeners, guests and a creator’s perspective.
- You’ll hear stories along with tips and tricks in preparing, creating, hosting and moderating a podcast.
- You’ll discover how to preparing effective questions and interviewing Techniques.
- We’ll also make reference to a number of resources, other podcasts,
- and more.
You can also download a PDF of the slides used in the presentation. http://bit.ly/gregtli2018
You may also want to check out The Toastmasters Podcast: Creating Interesting Podcast Content (Part 1) episode #157 and (Part 2) episode #158, featuring yours truly and co-host Ryan Levesque.
I also encourage you to read, "Is there a Podcast in Your Future," feature cover story in the Jan 2021 issue of Toastmaster Magazine.
Look for other upcoming podcast themed episodes here at ToastCaster and the Toastmasters Podcast.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020